Tuesday 10 May 2011

recessions and the credit crunch

the context of any macro discussion in econ 2 + 4 will be the credit crunch. Investigation of the following pages may build understanding:

essays on recession (econhelp)

essays on the credit crunch (econhelp)

World news: Globalisation | guardian.co.uk

FT.com - World Economy 2012

BBC News - Eurozone crisis

Business: Eurozone crisis | guardian.co.uk

Euro in crisis -Financial Times

Currency Wars

UK Budget 2013: In depth news, commentary and analysis from the Financial Times

BBC News | Business | UK Edition

BBC News - UK economy

Business: Economics | guardian.co.uk

FT.com - UK Economy news

Latest financial, market & economic news and analysis | guardian.co.uk

FT.com - International economy

IMF Survey Magazine

IMF Survey Podcasts

Wash Post U.S. Economy