- Review material from JCE
o Immigration • Review
- Micro and Macro Preview material
- Review Mini Moulton Trip Material
- Check updating RSS feeds to stay in contact with key micro and macro economics new relevant to A2 Economics.
2. SCP Paradigm Prepare a document that reflects on the themes highlighted in the Structure Conduct Performance Hand-out given to you in week 11:
“Use Structure Conduct performance as a framework to consider concepts in Econ 3”
Investigate the car industry, the presentation on BMW on the blog is a good place to start, the document should have sections that relate to:
- i. Market Fundamentals – supply and demand factors in the car market
- ii. Industry Structure – a consideration of characteristics
- iii. Industry Conduct 1. Objectives 2. Forms of competition –price and non price 3. Evidence of collusion 4. Merger and takeover
- iv. Industry Performance 1. Price and output levels (UK, EU Global) 2. Profit Levels 3. Efficiency and Welfare – Externals? 4. Innovation
- v. Government Intervention
3. Emergent ideas in Economics Choose to ideas and thinkers from the hand-out and develop a resource that summarises the key concept and how it will affect the direction of Economics.
4. Reading:
- a. The Fifty Ideas that shaped business today (ft) in hard copy and pdf link from blog
- b. The World in Figures: Industry in hard copy
- c. The Obama Climate Plan in pdf linking from blog
- d. Recommended Reading Lists are at the back of the UCAS Economics Guide that will be emailed to your parents
5. Follow @ppceconbus on Twitter – there will be a feed of interesting articles uncovered