g20 interest rate (ft 2010)
liquidity trap issues
japan style liquidity trap (ft 6 nov 2011)
krugman reflects on above (nyt oped 11/11/11)
cnbc video chicago fed on us situation (aug 2011)
krugman op ed nyt (mar 2010)
quantitative easing resources

qe explained (ft 05/02/09) excellent starting point
Q&A QE (bbc 07/12/09)
guardian glossary
qe explained (ft 05/02/09) excellent starting point
Q&A QE (bbc 07/12/09)
guardian glossary
qe explained - simple
bank of england monetary policy home page
boe asset purchase facility home page
boe pamphlet on qe
ex ante:
Bank of England may halt QE (bbc 04/02/10)
Questions for QE (Stephanomics 07/01/10) read comments
Intriguing economic questions for 2010 (Stephanomics 23/12/09)
what happens if interest rates rise (bbc 04/02/10)
ex post:
bank of england statement
bank stops qe (bbc 04/02/10)
easy does it (stephanomics 04/02/10)
bank of england monetary policy home page
boe asset purchase facility home page
boe pamphlet on qe
ex ante:
Bank of England may halt QE (bbc 04/02/10)
Questions for QE (Stephanomics 07/01/10) read comments
Intriguing economic questions for 2010 (Stephanomics 23/12/09)
what happens if interest rates rise (bbc 04/02/10)
ex post:
bank of england statement
bank stops qe (bbc 04/02/10)
easy does it (stephanomics 04/02/10)
how effective is qe? (ft 04/02/10)
bank puts qe on hold (ft 04/02/10)
the day after:

chancellors letter
govenors letter
chancellor and asset purchase facility
QE2 sloman economics
background reading:
bernake us qe (bloomberg 02/12/09)
QE by bank of japan (Fed 2001)
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